Led by Erin Ovalle, Maine Life Media is a production company based in Portland, Maine. The company was launched in 2016 to produce the show MaineLife, which explores some of the best local stories you might not otherwise hear about. Become a Maine Life Member to have access on where to Eat, Play, and Stay around the great state of Maine.

Become a Maine Life Member
Become a Maine Life Member to have access on where to Eat, Play, and Stay around the great state of Maine.
We love our sponsors – they keep us on the air! To learn more about the products and services these community-minded businesses have to offer, or for information about how you can advertise on our shows, check out the sponsor page.

“I spent a lot of my career covering the news of the day behind the desk but missing the personal stories and people actually shaping Maine and our economy. MaineLife is not only taking on personal and authentic stories but we’re also engaging with new and existing audiences both on air and online, giving viewers the chance to engage on their terms.”